Happy New Year Love Daughter

We wish you a very Happy New Year daughter.
Happy new year love daughter. May God lessen your anger and give you wisdom. We would not have been a complete family if you didnt come to our life. You are part of our heart.
Happy New Year daughter. We wish that all your aspirations and dreams come true in this New Year. Happy New Year my dearest daughter.
We wish for parents friends mother father sister. Happy New Year to you. Happy New Year may the sands of time continue to be kind to you dear grand daughter.
Happy new year wants for daughter. My dear daughter you will always be the angel God sent us to be our prince. I will spend each day of this new year with you.
Have the smile on run off the tears think of delight and stop thinking about fearsHere Mom and Dad are wishing you a very happy prosperous New Year 2022. Love you and my heart is just for you. My daughter you have been a blessing to us.